Saturday, August 25, 2012

How To Protect Your Files Using Security Features

File sharing and piracy can hurt your business. It is impossible to fully prevent these things from happening but has created features that give you more control over how your files are distributed.

Your first line of defense is setting download limits. On your settings page you have to option to limit the number of times a file can be downloaded. You can also limit your files by setting how many days you would like each download remain active.

Our tracking statistics include date/time of each download as well as what IP address the files were delivered to. If you see that your files were downloaded in 2 places at the same time, chances are that your customer sent their download link to a friend (unless the other IP address is yours). I would like to think that my customers always respect my wishes and do not share files. Unfortunately, that is not always the case and happens quite often.

The IP lock system is optional. By default your account will be set to have the lock turned off. You can activate this feature on the settings page.

Our IP locking system automatically locks file downloads to the first internet connection that accesses the files. The IP lock is activated per file, not per order. You can also release the lock by finding the order on the reporting page. If the lock has been activated you will have the "release lock" option.

If you elect to use the IP lock feature your files will be more secure. While it is still possible to share files after they are downloaded, your customers will not be able to share their direct download links.

The disadvantage of using the file lock system is that there is more potential for customers to have download issues. It is up to you to decide if you think that the extra security is worth the possibility that you will have to provide additional customer support when a customer wants to download files at work or if their IP address changes.


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